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Staff Whaka100 Rides - 2023

The Whaka 100 has gone from being a niggling little thought in the back of everyone's mind to an impending, nerve-wracking reality as Labour Weekend draws near. Several of the Wide Open crew, both staff and those who tolerate the staff in domestic life, have signed up for a day of guaranteed Type-2 fun on Sunday. The banter and sandbagging around the smoko bench is lively and escalating, and gear is naturally a much-discussed subject. Let's take a look at what everyone is running for the big day.

• October 19th 2023

Josh Wrigley | Sales & Technical Support | Soma Juice

Josh entered the 100km on Monday as Whaka FOMO took hold. He’s only ridden this Soma Juice about a dozen times this year, shunning the obvious appeal of the forest to ride road bikes in the middle of the night instead. Not much going on here in terms of strategy, but plenty of Wide Open bits to see from Soma, FSA, Wheels by Wide Open, SDG, Thomson, Stages, Stan’s NoTubes, DYEDBro, Goodyear, Wolf Tooth, Apidura, and ODI, and he’ll be using a Sweet Protection Falconer 2Vi helmet, Ronin Max eyewear and Hunter Light gloves.

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Kris Withington | Field Development Officer | Specialized Epic Evo

Kris will be taking on the 100km course aboard a Specialized Epic Evo. A super-versatile option in the Spesh range, its 110/120mm travel and modern geometry numbers help to keep the throttle on uphill and make it fun to throw around when pointed down. Kris does a pile of riding on road bikes but knows what he’s about on a MTB too, having had skin in the game since he was a Grom. Kris has products from FSA, ENVE, Wheels By Wide Open, Stan’s NoTubes, Marsh Guard, CeramicSpeed, Goodyear, Stages, ODI and SDG on board and will be wearing a Sweet Protection Falconer 2Vi helmet, Memento eyewear and an Apidura Expedition Waist Belt.



Rachel Reynolds | Specialized Epic Evo

Another Epic EVO pilot here. Rach decided to really make a day of it by signing up for the 100 Miler as soon as early bird entries opened, and this bike has clocked up the kilometres since. Her rig is dripping with Wide Open brands, featuring DYEDBro, Deity, Apidura, Thomson, SDG, Wheels by Wide Open, Stan’s NoTubes, FSA, Wolf Tooth, Stages, Knog, and Goodyear. Stay fed and hydrated out there Rach!

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Brook Daly | Marketing | Yeti ASRc

A 100/120mm travel flyer that is long overdue a drivetrain replacement, Brook’s Yeti ASRc was piloted to a sub-6.5-hour finish in last year’s 100km event and is back for more. Brook is a regular suspect at Enduro events and views his participation at XC events a "b" priority – will his steezy bike handling, vigorous Zwifting, and commitment to carbo-loading see him better it this year? The 12.5kg ASRc is kitted up with SDG, Marsh Guard, and Stan’s NoTubes and Brook runs a Sweet Protection Primer helmet, due to hit the shelves early next year.

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Amanda Daly | Canyon Lux 2020

It’s a Daly tour de force in the 2023 edition of the Whaka 100. Amanda blazed around the 100km course in seven hours last year on this featherweight 11kg Canyon and was reportedly in much fresher shape afterwards than her husband, who spent the rest of the weekend in an unhelpfully semi-comatose state while she took up the slack around the house. Her bike represents bits from Goodyear, Wolf Tooth, Marsh Guard, and Stan’s NoTubes, and she’ll be wearing a Sweet Protection Bushwhacker 2Vi helmet and Hunter Light Gloves.
